Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Make Your Bed Every Morning

There's an old bit of wisdom that says, "How you do something is how you do everything". I don't know if that's universally true or not...but it sure seems like it.

One way this is often true is that people who have cluttered homes tend to have cluttered lives. That was certainly true for me several years ago. I wasn't dirty but I was definitely untidy. I'd leave things lying around. I wouldn't wash dishes regularly. I never made my bed. (I'd get up in the morning and think, "Why should I make my bed? I'm going to be sleep in it again tonight".)

And my life reflected that same disorder. I was regularly late on bills. I bounced checks. I missed appointments. I let my relationships slide.... I was a mess.

It sounds simple I know, but the same mindset it takes to make your bed every morning is the same mindset it takes to create abundance and flow in your life.

Plus,...if you're not willing to be excellent to can you expect Life to be excellent to you?

Think about it. Maybe this will work for you the way it worked for me.

Tony Rush

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