Friday, December 5, 2008

Carry Money With You

A lot of people get into the habit of using credit cards. That's not necessarily good, bad, right or wrong. Credit cards are like electricity: handled well, they can do great things...handled poorly, they can be harmful.

But CASH.....ah, cash is a different story.

When you reach into your pocket and feel a big wad of bills, it makes you feel more prosperous. More confident. Like you've got things under control.

So, here's the Prosperity Tip: go withdraw as much money out of the bank as you can and carry it around for a day. Walk through the mall and look at things you like and say, "I could actually buy that right now. I've got the money in my pocket right now to take that home."

As prosperity starts to flow in your life, increase the amount. One friend of mine (who shall remain nameless) never carries less than $3,000 in his wallet.

Thirty crisp $100 bils.

How do you think YOU would feel today if you had a big wad of cash in your pocket? Try it and see!

Happy Holidays!

P.S. Post YOUR favorite prosperity quotes in the comments section!


Unknown said...

"What does money like? Money likes speed.
That's the secret few know about money.
Money comes to those who act fast. If you think,
wonder, question, doubt, plan, meet, discuss, or in any other
way drag your feet, money goes to the next person in line."
— Joe Vitale: A motivational author and coach

kolohejo said...

I am of the same mind! The other day I was walking out of a shop and a guy handed me a $Million dollar bill! It looks real. I keep it with my cash and have to smile everytime I see it in my wallet. . . "visualization". . .

Here is a tip for those who may not have a lot of cash to be carrying around - get a whole bunch of ones and wrap a big fat bill around it. Clip it together so you only see that big bill. Imagine that all the bills are the same as that big one and BELIEVE it!